mercredi 2 juin 2010

Roasted Potatoes with Parmesan cheese

The dish is to serve as accompaniment witn the wine's chicken.

Ingredients: ( per person)

3 small potatoes
1 glove of garlic
some oregano
some pepper
some salt
15 gr parmesan cheese


Boil the potatoes in a pressure pan for 10 minutes or in another type of pan until the potatoes are done. Cut in half the potatoes and Chop the garlic.
Prepare a baking tray an pre-heat the oven at 200ºC.
Spread olive oil or butter over the baking tray, put the half-potatoes and spread the garlic, oregano, pepper and salt over it.
Put inside the oven around 10-15 minutes, when the potatoes is almost roasted, spread the parmesan cheese over them. Wait a little bit until the cheese melt.

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